Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Cauliflower Cheese Soup

This is one of my OG go-to soup recipes. When I was in college I moved off campus my senior year with 3 friends. We had our own half-a-house, no more meal plan, a rickety kitchen (with a random useable toilet in the pantry... but that's another story) and big aspirations to be 'adult' by cooking for the first time in our 20-year old lives. One of my roommates, "Rank" knew that two of us were vegetarians and photocopied and spiral bound the entire Molly Katzen Moosewood Cookbook as a gift for us. I've since purchased many Molly Katzen books so don't feel *too* badly about this copyright infringement. Included in that cookbook is this recipe for a cauliflower cheese soup. While it does indeed have cheese in it, several times I've considered not adding the cheese, as it is really tasty as-is (and the carrots add a nice orange cheesy-color). The caraway seeds nod to an Eastern European or Russian flavor profile. 

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